Member-only story
Shirley is new to her sorority and new to college. A mundane mission to steal a flower pot turns into something of a quest for the young girl after she is caught with the pot in her hands late one night.
After being invited inside by the homeowner, she is ushered into an out-of-time world of intrigue, glamour and mystery. Amid the flickering candlelight, faces in the party look familiar to Shirley, however, she doesn’t exactly have time to stop and chat. It’s not that kind of a party…not at all.
Written by Darla Caldwell
Published by AmorBooks
Shirley Glasgow had never stolen a thing in her life…not even a donut from the local coffee shop when she worked there. Now, here she was, actually trying to steal a flower pot from some poor family’s porch. This was beyond ridiculous. She wasn’t even sure the sisters would be happy with the flower pot…this house had 20 flower pots…how was she to know which one was the right pot?
She flipped her long black hair away from her face and sighed. It was dark out; well after 9 p.m. The late October air had a chill to it. Shirley shivered. Underneath her flimsy black sweater, her nipples were hard against her full breasts. She hugged her slim belly for warmth.