Member-only story
The Palms was THE place for last call and the end of the night hook up. Famous for it, bad, cheap drinks and a sure thing for anyone who was willing to wait and compromise.
When Katherine comes home, she finds out that the Palms is closing. It goes without saying that she needs to be there for the last night…
Written by Rebecca Milton
Published by AmorBooks
“You can never go home… but you can shop there.” — John Cusack as Martin Blank, Grosse Pointe Blank
“Daddy’s dead.”
My sister Grace, whose name, once you get to know her, is a running joke. Grace she is not, never was, never would be. She announced my father’s passing over the phone with the same tone one would use to order a drink or a cheeseburger. She was blunt, hard, cold, my sister, Grace.
There was no shock in the news, daddy had been dying for most of his life. My mother often said she married him because she knew she could live with him for about five years and, with the way he complained about his health, she figured that was as long as he would last. He lasted close to ninety years. Having his children late in life. Another shocker for my mother as she was sure children were not in her future. How it came about that we, my sister and I were…