Janine Gets a Big Surprise

21 min readDec 8, 2021

Janine has found success. She finally got the big promotion, she has a great boyfriend, and her life is moving up. She has the respect of her coworkers, and her boss. Derrick, her boyfriend, gave her one promise before she got her promotion. If she got the promotion, he would give her a nice big surprise.

So when the big day comes, Janine is prepared for whatever comes next. But has she gotten excited over nothing? Derrick has an interesting evening in mind, but events don’t quite play out the way that she expects them to.

Written by Jean Mathis
Published by

“I would like everyone to congratulate, Janine Miller,” said Mr. Ichiyama. The crowd of men and women in suits and dresses exploded into applause. They were all turning to look at her, her boss pointing her out in the crowd.

Usually she wouldn’t like so much attention, but today it felt like she definitely earned it. She was the top sales representative at their office for nearly a year straight, and Mr. Ichiyama constantly pushed her to perform higher, lead more meetings, and take on more responsibilities. By the time the old man came to her with a confirmation that she was going to be promoted to district manager of sales, she was already doing the position in all but name.




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