Member-only story
Mary is a recently divorced college art professor. Jude is a senior at the college who is struggling with his grades and decides to do extra credit in her art class. They are instantly attracted to each other, him to her intelligence and her to his free spirit.
Written by Inez Eaton
Published by AmorBooks
Mary frantically erased her last name from the chalkboard where it had sat over winter break. She had already gone through her files and all her accounts to change the last name as well, therapeutically purging the last name of her now ex-husband from her existence. She was suddenly glad the divorce had been finalized while she was on break from teaching, so she had at least a few weeks to pull herself together. Not that she was sad to watch him leave per say, but she had been extremely angry.
They had no children together, and she had never been attached to their lavish home, but she had at least thought that vows had meant something to this man, but instead, he had been busy making vows to other women. Finally, he had found one he’d liked enough to leave her for; a young, single mother who would happily be arm candy and jobless.
She picked up her lesson plans, waiting for her class to start pouring in. She didn’t expect a large turn out just yet since many students would still be on winter vacation with their…